Our Syllabus
Beginner Syllabus
Introduction to Chess Chess as a Battle
1.1 Light Squares
1.2. Dark Squares
1.3 Ranks
1.4 Files
1.5 Diagonals
Introducing the Warriors – 2.1 The Chess Men
2.2 The King
2.3 The Queen
2.4 The Rook
2.5 The Bishop
2.6 The Knight
2.7 The Pawn
8.1 Stalemate
8.2 Lack of Warriors
8.3 Peace Treaty
8.4 Photo Repeat
8.5 Other Rules of the Battle
8.1 Stalemate
8.2 Lack of Warriors
8.3 Peace Treaty
8.4 Photo Repeat
8.5 Other Rules of the Battle
10.1 Chess Quiz
10.2 Name the Squares
10.3 Name the Chessmen
10.4 Calculate the Value
10.5 Chess Language
10.6 .Exercises
10.7 Find the Route
10.8 Spot the Capture
10.9 Find the Checkmate
10.10 Find the Draw
10.11 Tournaments
11.1 Memorization Practice
11.2 Memory Recall Practice
11.3 Pattern Recognition Practice
11. 4 Visualization Practice
Intermediate Syllabus
Combinations involving:
1.1 Pins
1.2 Skewer
1.3 Double Attack
1. 4 Discovered Attack
1.5 Decoys
1.6 Deflection
1.7 Line Clearance
1.8 Blocking
1.9 Removing Defenders
1.10 Line Opening Sacrifices
2.1 The Definition and Principles of Attack
2.3 Attack on the castled King
Attacking h7/h2, g7/g2, f7/f2
2.4 Exploiting the weak squares around the King
2.5 Destroying the castled position
2.6 Attack on the uncastled King
2.7 Attack on the 7th and 8th ranks
3.1 Outposts
3.2 Play along Open Files
3.3 Pressurizing weak points
3.4 Central control
4.1 Evaluating Positions
4.2 Candidate Moves
4.3 Combinational Vision
4.4 Visualization
4.5 Practicing Calculation
5.1 The Isolated Pawns
5.2 The Backward Pawn
5.3 The Connected Pawns
5. 6 The Passed Pawn
5.7 The Pawn Chain
6.1 General Principles of the Endgame
6.2 Important Pawn Endings
6.3 Important Minor Piece Endgames
6.4 Important Rook Endgames
6.5 Triangulation
6.6 Study of examples of great Masters of Endgame
7.1 Important Opening Principles
7.2 Development
7.3 Pawn structure
7.4 King Safety
7.5 Gambits
7.6 Building Repertoires
7.7 Opening Preperation
8.1 Will Power
8.2 Concentration
8.3 Self assessment
8.4 Training Charts
9.1 Practice Sessions
9.2 Theoretical Tournaments
9.3 Mental Training
9.4 Assignments
Advanced Syllabus
1.1 The Isolated Pawns
1.2 The Backward Pawn
1.3 The Hanging Pawns
1.4 The Connected Pawns
1.5 The Passed Pawn
1.6 Pawn Islands
1.7 The Qside Pawn Majority
1.8 The Central Pawn Majority
1.9 The Pawn Centre
1.10 The Minority Attack
1.11 The Pawn Storms
1.12 The Pawn Chain
1.13 Blockading
2.1 Knight manoeuvring
2.2 Making use of good Bishops
2.3 Active play with Rooks
2.4 Queen Activity
3.1 Outposts
3.2 Play along Open Files
3.3 Pressurizing weak points
3.4 Central control
5.1 Outposts
5.2 Play along Open Files
5.3 Pressurizing weak points
5.4 Central Pressure
5.5 Overprotection
5.6 Technique of Improving the position of pieces
5.7 Manoeuvring
6.1 Bishop versus Knight
6.2 Bishop/Knight versus Rook
6.2 Good Bishop versus Bad Bishop
6.3 The Bishop Pair
6.4 Queen Endgames
6.5 The Waiting Move
6.6 The Principle of the Two Weaknesse
6.7 Transposition from Middlegame to Endgame
6.8 Study of Masters
7.1 Open Systems
7.2 Semi open/ Semi closed Systems
7.3 Closed Systems
7.4 Reversed Systems
7.5 Transpositions
7.6 Building Repertoires
7.7 Creative Thinking and Novelties
8.1 Will Power
8.2 Concentration
8.3 Self assessment
8.4 Training Charts
9.1 Practice Sessions
9.2 Theoretical Tournaments
9.3 Mental Training
9.4 Assignments
9.1 Practice Sessions
9.2 Theoretical Tournaments
9.3 Mental Training
9.4 Assignments