WhatsApp Image 2020-08-06 at 21.09.13
GM Nigel Short
Vice President FIDE
World Championship Challenger 1993

"I would like to wish my dear friends Anilkumar and Joe all the best with their new venture "Chess Master Class". These are gentlemen of the highest integrity, with a profound love for the ultimate mind-sport."

IMG-20200128-WA0027 - Anil Kumar
WhatsApp Image 2020-09-30 at 12.21.04

Who We Are

We believe that every individual is a potential genius. To discover champions and to create champions we provide the right chess environment. We respect the ability of every student. So, we train them to learn and train and develop on their own using their cerebral and creative capacities to the optimum. We also believe that chess is a unique educational tool and personality enhancement instrument. So, we focus on aspects like :

Our Class Structure

1. We offer our students the facility to play and practise in our Online Playing Arena 365 days / 24 hours free of cost.

2. We have classes for absolute beginners as well as for those who just know the moves but lack any kind of scientific orientation in chess.

3. Our Academy has a fully technically equipped virtual classroom. You do not need any software. All you need is a computer and internet connection.

We offer different categories of training.

Note : Students to respective categories will be selected through our standard tests.

What The Experts Have to Say

Very happy to know that Prof. N R Anilkumar and Mr. Joe Parappilly are going to start an online Chess Academy. Very apt moment to go online due to the new normal owing to Covind 19. I have the privilege to know both the Chess veterans for decades. Knowing them, I am sure the would be students of the Academy are in for very valuable experience of learning the finer points of the game.
I have known Prof. N R Anilkumar since early 80s as an on-the-board rival and friend. He is the first nationally successful chess player from Kerala. A regular National ‘A’ player, he was part of the Indian team which participated in the Chess Olympiad at Lucerne, Switzerland in 1982. Unfortunately, he quit playing active tournament chess rather prematurely. Later he got interested in correspondence chess where he achieved the title of International Master. Prof. Anilkumar also utilized his vast knowledge of the game in nurturing many a young kids after quitting active play. Coaching comes naturally to him being in the education field as a college teacher.
Mr. Joe Parappilly although much younger to me is known to me through many of the common National ‘B’s and All India Opens we participated. A strong player, he was part of National under 25 team a couple of times in late 80s. He has creditable prize winning performances  in International Open Tournaments in Kualalumpur, Dubai and Sharjah. Later Mr. Joe too took up chess coaching and helped bringing up quite a few chess talents.
I wish both the stalwarts the best in their latest endeavour of Online Chess Academy.

IM Varughese Koshy

International Master

IM (Correspondence) N.R.Anilkumar

Prof. Anilkumar is a well respected and admired chess personalities of the country, known for his chess knowledge and erudite personality. One of the common descriptions about Anilkumar is a player with ‘very good common sense’. He had a clarity of understanding of all parts of the game which made him an well rounded player. So, it is nor surprising that he became an excellent coach after he turned his focus to the field, combining his sound fundamentals of ‘chess basics’ with his experience as an educationist for more than three decades.

Joe Parappilly

Me and Joe have been thick friends since our Junior days, a love of chess being the common bonding. We both had another commonality, being influenced by the chess and life principles of Prof. Anilkumar. Apart from his notable chess talents and ambition as a player, Joe has always had an enthusiastic personality and generous spirit, and it is nice to see that he uses those qualities to teach chess.

IM V Saravanan

International Master

Daily Tactics


Most frequent questions and answers

YES ChessMasterClass International Online Academy is specifically well equipped with latest technology to cater to the needs of online students.

YES We have classes for absolute beginners as well as for those who just know the moves but lack any kind of scientific orientation in chess.

YES We have an extensive collection of chess books, pgn files and chessbase files which our students can access.

YES Students have the choice of joining for either Individual or Group classes. Customized classes are also offered.

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